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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Garden is in!

This past week we were on Spring Break and we got the whole spring garden in! We planted several different varieties of lettuces, radishes, spinach, onions, carrots, beans and beets. The weather was gorgeous and the ground was dry (for the beginning part of the week). The hoop house is full of tiny little seedlings and the chicks and goats are growing!
The pictures are of the dump truck dumping the perfectly composted horse manure on our garden; 50 tons of the "black gold". Adam and Delia were so excited because it was full of giant earthworms. It is going to be a great garden this year. The last picture is of Delia, the goat herder.
Our farm is really starting to blossom into more of a farm. We are thrilled to share it with you.
May your dreams be veggie-filled!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Chicks and Seedlings

Yesterday we had a small taste of nice weather! We have the seeds planted in flats and baby chicks peeping in the brooder. Hopefully, we will be able to offer dressed broilers (meat birds) some time in July and eggs by August. However, we don't want to count our chickens... with Chloe (our dog who ate a whole bunch of chicks last year) on the farm.